
  • ChartProps
  • ApiConstructConfig
    • CrisisCleanupChartProps


adminWebsocket: Omit<ApiProps, "config">
apiAppConfig: ApiAppConfig
apiAppSecrets: ApiAppSecrets
apiImage?: ContainerImageProps
asgi: Omit<ApiASGIProps, "config">
celery: Record<string, Omit<CeleryProps, "config">>
celeryBeat: Omit<ApiProps, "config">
disableResourceNameHashes?: boolean

The autogenerated resource name by default is suffixed with a stable hash of the construct path. Setting this property to true drops the hash suffix.


domainName: string
ingressAnnotations?: Record<string, string>
labels?: {
    [name: string]: string;

Labels to apply to all resources in this chart.

Type declaration

  • [name: string]: string


- no common labels
namespace?: string

The default namespace for all objects defined in this chart (directly or indirectly). This namespace will only apply to objects that don't have a namespace explicitly defined for them.


- no namespace is synthesized (usually this implies "default")
sync?: DatabaseSyncProps
webImage?: ContainerImageProps
wsgi: Omit<ApiWSGIProps, "config">

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