

assetsS3Bucket: string

Bucket to use to store assets.

assetsS3Prefix?: string

Key prefix to store any assets under.

awsCredentials?: AwsCredentialsSecrets

Names of GitHub repository secrets that include AWS credentials for deployment.




Use awsCreds.fromGitHubSecrets() instead.

awsCreds?: AwsCredentialsProvider

Configure provider for AWS credentials used for deployment.


  • Get AWS credentials from GitHub secrets AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
buildContainer?: ContainerOptions

Build container options.


- GitHub defaults
cdkCliVersion?: string

Version of the CDK CLI to use.


- automatic
dockerCredentials?: DockerCredential[]

The Docker Credentials to use to login. If you set this variable, you will be logged in to docker when you upload Docker Assets.

gitHubActionRoleArn?: string

A role that utilizes the GitHub OIDC Identity Provider in your AWS account. If supplied, this will be used instead of awsCredentials.

You can create your own role in the console with the necessary trust policy to allow gitHub actions from your gitHub repository to assume the role, or you can utilize the GitHubActionRole construct to create a role for you.


- GitHub repository secrets are used instead of OpenId Connect role.


Use awsCreds.fromOpenIdConnect() instead.

jobSettings?: JobSettings

Job level settings that will be applied to all jobs in the workflow, including synth and asset deploy jobs. Currently the only valid setting is 'if'. You can use this to run jobs only in specific repositories.

patchers?: WorkflowPatcher[]

Additional workflow patchers to apply.

postBuildSteps?: JobStep[]

GitHub workflow steps to execute after build.


postPublishSteps?: JobStep[]

Steps to execute post assets publish.

preBuildSteps?: JobStep[]

GitHub workflow steps to execute before build.


prePublishSteps?: JobStep[]

Steps to execute prior to assets publish.

preSynthed?: boolean

Indicates if the repository already contains a synthesized cdk.out directory, in which case we will simply checkout the repo in jobs that require cdk.out.


publishAssetsAuthRegion?: string

Will assume the GitHubActionRole in this region when publishing assets. This is NOT the region in which the assets are published.

In most cases, you do not have to worry about this property, and can safely ignore it.


rootDir?: string
runner?: Runner

The type of runner to run the job on. The runner can be either a GitHub-hosted runner or a self-hosted runner.


synth: IFileSetProducer

The build step that produces the CDK Cloud Assembly

The primary output of this step needs to be the cdk.out directory generated by the cdk synth command.

If you use a ShellStep here and you don't configure an output directory, the output directory will automatically be assumed to be cdk.out.

workflowName?: string

Name of the workflow.


workflowPath?: string

File path for the GitHub workflow.


workflowTriggers?: WorkflowTriggers

GitHub workflow triggers.


  • By default, workflow is triggered on push to the main branch and can also be triggered manually (workflow_dispatch).

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